PEEL (PASER ENGLISH EDUCATION AND LINGUISTIC) <p>PEEL (Paser English Education and Linguistic) is posted by Study Program of Tadris Bahasa Inggris (English Teacher and Education Program), STIT Ibnu Rusyd Tanah Grogot. This journal concerns of English Education, Literature Linguistic, and English Teaching. This journal publishes twice a year. It is on July and December. This contains of 5 journals for every publishing.&nbsp;</p> <p>The manuscript submitted has not been published anywhere both of printed or electronic. The author should refer to the author guidelines before submitting the manuscript and will then be evaluated and edited in terms of format, terms used, and other applied styles.</p> STIT IBNU RUSYD TANAH GROGOT PRODI TADRIS BAHASA INGGRIS en-US PEEL (PASER ENGLISH EDUCATION AND LINGUISTIC) 2962-7265 A GRAMMATICAL ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE TRANSLATION OF SIXTH SEMESTER STUDENTS ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF STIT IBNU RUSYD TANAH GROGOT The objectives of the study are to know the most common grammatical errors made by the sixth semester students of English Education study program, STIT Ibnu Rusyd Tanah Grogot in translation recount text, and to identify the causes of the errors. The sample of this research 10 students. The method which is used in this research is descriptive analysis. Firstly, students were given the text in Bahasa about recount text. Afterwards, the data were collected, identified, and then classified based on grammatical classification. The result of the study showed that The most common errors made by sixth semester students of English Education study program in the level of grammar were Misformation (regularization). First, the frequency of misformation (regularization is 260 errors under the percentage 69,5 % of total errors. Second, the total error of omission (content of morphemes is 81 errors under the percentage 21,7 %. The third is 10 errors or 2,7 % from misformation (archi-forms), 9 errors or 2,4 % from addition (simple), 6 errors or 1,6% from addition (double marking), 5 errors or 1,3 % from misformation (alternating-forms), 2 errors or 0,5 % from omission (grammatical of morphemes) and 1 errors or 0,3 % from misordering. However, there are no errors in addition (overgeneralization). The errors were suspected because they were unappropriate with the learning style. It still confused the students which one the learning style that appropriate with theirself in learning grammar. It means that the most common errors made by the students derived from communication of strategies. Keywords: Grammar, Translation, Students’ errors Nur Izatil Hasanah Erna Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 3 1 56 65 10.56489/peel.v5i1.156 ANALYSIS OF STUDENT NEEDS FOR DIGITAL-BASED TEACHING MATERIALS This research aims to analyze the student needs for appropriate teaching materials for the Instructional Media and Technology course in the fourth semester of the Islamic Religious Education Department at STIT Ibnu Rusyd Tanah Grogot. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The sample for this research was 29 students. The data collection technique was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 29 students. The analysis carried out is based on three indicators: the analysis of student conditions, the analysis of supporting capacity and campus conditions, and the analysis of the type of need for teaching materials. From the research results, it is known that as many as 52% of the digital teaching materials needed by students are web-based digital teaching materials. Apart from that, the research results found that there is a need for maximum campus support capacity so that digital-based learning can be implemented well, not only for certain subjects but also for a wider scope. Randy Irawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 3 1 66 72 10.56489/peel.v5i1.149 CBI CONTENT BASED INSTRUCTION AS INNOVATIVE TEACHING ENGLISH FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE AT HIGH SCHOOL A CBI (Content-Based Instruction) lesson centres around a specific topic or subject matter. Throughout the lesson, students concentrate on learning about a particular subject of interest, whether it be a serious science topic, their favourite pop star, a current news story, or a film. This research utilizes a qualitative descriptive approach. It involves formulating a problem that directs the researcher to thoroughly, broadly, and deeply explore or capture the social situation under study. Content based instruction made some advantages for students. Learning a language can become more engaging and motivating. Students used the language to achieve a genuine purpose, which can increase their independence and confidence. Through CBI, students gained a broader understanding of the world, which can, in turn, enhance and support their overall educational needs. Incorporating group work into the aforementioned framework helped students develop their collaborative skills, providing significant social benefits. Ahmad Darussalam ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 3 1 73 86 10.56489/peel.v5i1.159 EFL STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES IN TERM OF MOTIVATION TOWARDS THE USE OF CONVERSATION VIDEO ON LISTENING PERFORMANCE Although listening skill is considered as a tough skill, there are some ways to practice or improve listening skill such as watching English programs, movies, listening to English radio and native speaker. Furthermore, Herron, York, Corrie, and Cole (2006) stated that students who practice their listening skill through videos can improve their listening comprehension. Using videos in English learning surely can attract students’ interest to watch the videos. However, motivation also plays a pivotal role in language learning, within each, motivated learners being more likely to attain their educational objectives compared to those lacking motivation. This research is intended to explore EFL students’ attitudes in term of motivation towards the use of conversation video on listening performance. A ten-item questionnaire was distributed to 36 students. The findings shows a high consistency noted within the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation category (α = .663), which indicates that most participants perceive positive attitudes regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation towards using conversation videos to enhance listening performance. Muhammad Arbain Ramadani Fitra Novika Hartatya Ahmad Perdana Muhammad Hasbi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 3 1 87 98 10.56489/peel.v5i1.162 DEVELOPING AN ENGLISH E-BOOK FOR YOUNG LEARNERS BY USING FLIPBOOK MAKER APPLICATION AT SDN 001 SAMBALIUNG This research aims to develop an English e-book for young learners at SDN 001 Sambaliung using the Flipbook Maker application. The study addresses potential challenges in creating English e-books, such as engaging students with short attention spans and limited early literacy skills. Additionally, it explores the need for teacher and student training to use the Flipbook Maker technology. The research utilizes a qualitative approach combined with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model and Research and Development (R&D) methodology. Participants include students and teachers at SDN 001 Sambaliung. The findings reveal that using interactive e-books through Flipbook Maker offers advantages, including increased student interest and engagement. Moreover, the e-books can be adapted for other foreign language materials and provide easy accessibility for teachers, facilitating effective learning activities. This research successfully achieves its goal of developing an interactive and effective English e-book for young learners, integrating ADDIE principles and an R&D approach. The results can serve as a foundation for further development in utilizing Flipbook Maker technology in education. Anita Safana Yuli Puji Astutik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 3 1 99 111 10.56489/peel.v5i1.161