• Anggra Prima STAI Sangatta Kutai Timur
  • Warman Warman Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda
  • Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda
  • Muhlis Muhlis Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda
  • Nihan Kristiyani Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda
Keywords: Analisis Kebijakan, Pembiayaan, Short course TOEFL, Peningkatan Layanan


The importance of fair and effective education financing policies is increasing in the context of higher education, especially to support English language competency which is the main provision in the global era. There is a research gap regarding the effectiveness of the implementation of TOEFL short course program financing policies in higher education institutions, especially related to accessibility and service quality. This study aims to analyze the policy, effectiveness, and impact of TOEFL short course financing at the Language Development Unit (UBINSA) STAI Sangatta Kutai Timur. The approach used is a qualitative approach with a case study design. The results of the study indicate that the financing policy reflects the principle of fair education financing, by providing subsidies without discrimination of economic background and setting an annual budget that includes operational costs and instructor honorariums. This policy has also succeeded in improving students' English competence, as seen from the increase in participants' TOEFL scores and their motivation to develop further language skills. However, challenges such as limited facilities, infrastructure, and instructor qualifications need to be addressed to maintain the sustainability and effectiveness of the program on an ongoing basis. The implication of this study is the importance of improving facilities and improving the quality of instructors as a strategic step in increasing the effectiveness of the TOEFL short course program at UBINSA, in line with the principles of fair and sustainable education management. The implication of this study is the need for evaluation and improvement of financing policies and more efficient management to ensure the sustainability and improvement of the quality of the TOEFL short course program at UBINSA, so that it can meet the needs of students in the global era.


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How to Cite
Prima, A., Warman, W., Mulawarman, W. G., Muhlis, M., & Kristiyani, N. (2024, December 15). ANALISIS KEBIJAKAN PEMBIAYAAN SHORT COURSE TOEFL DALAM MENINGKATKAN PELAYANAN UNIT PEMBINAAN BAHASA (UBINSA). FIKRUNA: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Dan Kemasyarakatan, 7(1), 94-117.