• Fitriani Fitriani STIT Ibnu Rusyd Tanah Grogot
  • Pahliyani Pahliyani STIT Ibnu Rusyd Tanah Grogot
Keywords: Speaking Skill, effectiveness, and Buzz Group Technique


The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of the Buzz Group Technique on Students' Speaking Ability. This study uses a quasi-experimental method. This research was conducted at MTs Al-Ihsan Tanah Grogot. The population of this study was class VIII students consisting of 127 students into three classes, namely VIII A, VIII B and VIII C. After confirming with the cluster random sampling technique, two classes were finally selected as the sample of this study: VIII A as the experimental class and VIII B as control class. Both classes consisted of 84 students with almost homogeneous scores. The experimental class was treated using the buzz group technique, while the control class used memorization. Pre-test were administered to both groups before administering the treatment. The results of the pre-test showed the average score of the experimental class was 58.1 and the control class was 59.1. After providing treatment, a post-test was administered. The post-test results show the average value of the experimental class is 63.5 and the control class is 59.7. In other words, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. In short, it can be stated that students who are taught to speak using the buzz group technique are more effective than using the memorization method. So, it can be concluded that the Buzz Group Technique has a positive effect on Class VIII students at MTs Al-Ihsan Tanah Grogot on speaking ability.
