Adaptive Control of Thought of Human Being

  • Fitriani Fitriani STIT Ibnu Rusyd Tanah Grogot


This study aims to explain the students’ achievement in the neuroscience perspective. The important human organs in this case the brain is evidence to motivate human character. This article is a literature study with a qualitative approach. This study is adapted a variety of literature books and journals that related to neuroscience and character education. Human brain has function to controlled by the nervous system in the brain it means that all the activities of human being is resource the functioning of the brain. The brain is complex organ can controls memory, thought, touch, emotion, motor, vision, skills, temperature, breathing, hunger and every process that depend in our body. Neuron system is part of the thing in individual learning ability and it function in mental individually. The human brain is flexible and has the ability to change. This organ evolves throughout life and adapts to the changing environment. It is scientifically proven that human in enriched environments belong to several numbers of synaptic connections among neurons than the impoverished environment. So the implication of neuroscience to all the activities lead to neurol branching.           

Key words:  Cognitive theory adaptive control of thought
